[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I am wondering who was pushing Alice all D2.

A useless talk with myself

Approximately 9v4… In other words, We only need to find 4 non-Mafia, right?

That is wrong. We need to protect whatever is left of Mafia.

Yes, but We will do that by killing them faster than they kill Us.

Zone, We won’t last more than 2 Days. You have to make your choice.

…hold up. Three players are poisoned. What will happen to them if they flip Mafia? Who claims to have poisoned them? Isn’t it the scum who are poisoning them?

That is… We haven’t thought of that.

In other words, we might be dead by Tomorrow, huh?

…it would seem that such is the case.

…in any case, I will not allow Apprentice to die.

Naturally. Then, let Us continue the murder spree. Starting from Ami, to Wazza, to DatBird.

And we will tunnel Derps, Ami and sulit if they live.

I’m guessing 5 non-mafia.

That is too pessimistic. I am guessing 4 left.

28 players. 28/3 rounded up is 9.
15 deaths. 6 PRs. 4 Goons. 3 Town. 1 Neut. 1 NK.
All that’s left is… 6 PRs, 3 Goons, 2 Town, 2 NK?
…hm? We have too few Neuts?

Zone, may I ask why Im still in you poe, but not Cheese, jgoes, or Boss? Also btw to be transparent I healed Sulit that was my prize for the event

Unless they take up 50%, which means that there are 4 Mafia left… I refuse to see that world.
What about 40%? 11 non-Mafia?
That would mean 7 Mafia and 6 non-Mafia left.
…kinda risky.
And too many non-Mafia for Us to worry about.
…yeah, let’s not delve further into this matter.

Forgot about Cheese. Jgoes is TR’d by Arete with 2 reasons. I TR’d Boss personally for something about being in a neighbor with Ici.

As for you: I don’t remember you. In other words, you were as forgettable as @Ami before she responded to me.

Im TR to the point by Arete that I was the one chosen for the harem event.

Like you dont go hareming anyone but your townreads

…? Dunno what you mean.
@Ami, come here and mock me as you explain what the heck Dat is talking about.

Don’t remember. Don’t have proof. Forgot.
Probably don’t care.

There was an event that all the female students could each pick 1 male student to harem. Arete, Sulit, and Astand before they passed all picked me as they townread me

im busy making myself chicken parm

and shitposting

can just ask Sulit and Arete

I don’t really care much about sulit. She’s poisoned, and the dead @MathBlade will probably keep saying that she will die in the graveyard, not expecting a fake poison. Just like how he didn’t expect a Rolestopper. I still hate his logic; it is too unconventional.

Anyhow, mocking the dead aside, @Arete: Do you TR Datbird, and if yes why?

again I healed her with a poison heal

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…you already lost your fire? How boring.

When? Are you Day Healer?
Are there more of you who claimed to have healed those who were poisoned?
Why? Why do you give me more work?
Why? Why did you choose sulit?

Today after the russian roulette event, It was a day action item im guessing that i gained from winning said event. This was my only heal of my knowledge. Im doing this so you dont misclear me and try and shoot me before more direct poe. I chose Sulit as Arete trusters her as they were neighbors for a bit, as Derps shot two towns when told not to, and Ami is not out of null.

plus wasnt gonna save it as I fear we are already outnumbered or close to it