[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Actually, if cosplayer can convert only mafia wouldn’t it make sense for waifu to only be able to convert town.

There are 3~4 cults, whether they be from Waifus or possibly the last member of Cosplayers.

Who do you think they are?

Derp, Clonedcheese, maybe Arete.

It would also make a lot of sense if App was converted by waifu.


@Arete, @clonedcheese, @sulit
@Italy, @Boss110, @Apprentice

Claim your roles and factions.
Right. Now.

Me first: I claim Mafia Goon.
Dunno why the heck you guys kept asking me for my role, when I clearly said it was useless.

1 Like

Mafia Hustler, Math already said this.

@sulit, claim now.
Stop writing. CLAIM. NOW.

mafia goon

First past the post - plurality

Top-two primary - top two vote getters [move on to general election]

Lousiana primary - whoever receives majority wins

Cumularive voting - Everyone has the same number of votes to the number of candidates [how many people are left] and can give all of them to one person or varying amounts to several

Approval voting - Each voter can select/approve any number of candidates, the candidate with the most approvals wins

Multiple non-transferabble vote - The definition here was kinda confusing but I think we can just vote for however many people we want dead that we please?

Instant runoff voting - Rank candidates in order of preference, if over half of the people rank someone as number 1 they die. If not the person with the fewest votes is eliminated from the pool and we go again

Single transferrable vote - Basically plurality.

Borda count - idk what this means but here’s definition

The Borda count determines the outcome of a debate or the winner of an election by giving each candidate, for each ballot, a number of points corresponding to the number of candidates ranked lower. Once all votes have been counted the option or candidate with the most points is the winner .

Range voting - Voters give each candidate a scores, scores are added or averaged and the candidate with the highest total is selected.

I am eliminating range voting, borda voting, single transferable, and lousiana

Instant run off is fine but it’ll take really long to go if we don’t get over half the first time.

Top two or just plurality are my top choices. Top two gives us two lynches.

People left:

I’m kinda paranoid Arete was converted considering there were literally two cults and they’ve been top town for just like, everyone. And because DatBird died last night instead of them, but that might just be because he redirected the kill?

Derps looks bad because Wazza healed him, I don’t really get why Wazza would do that if Derps wasn’t scum.


I think Italy is pretty towny because of what Math said and he’s just unlikely to be converted. Zone is town unless he was converted.

I think Boss and cloned/Apprentice are the most likely to be starting cult. And Arete and Derps are likely converts.

@SirDerpsAlot, change of plans.

D3 got hammered, and the VC was 3/7 until sulit and Wazza voted. Wazza is CL, but doesn’t have any vote weight changing abilities.

Lynch & Kill sulit.

/vote sulit

I don’t have vote changing abilities, I swear. I have no idea why it was hammered early.

That’d be a dumbass move on my part anyways, it wasn’t like Mist wasn’t going to be lynched, and I was literally telling Italy to shoot Wazza.

I voted the 1st option. From what I understand:

1st one is standard plurality & majority
2nd one is X->4->2->1 battle royale
3rd one is X->2->1 (unsure)
4th one is something about minority (are people given X votes which they can all spent on 1 guy or something?)
5th one is multiple choice voting (…how does this work if you add majority? multiple lynch?)
6th one is… only plurarity? IDK
7th one is ranking system
8th one is… same as 6th? I REALLY DON’T KNOW
9th one is also ranking system?
10th one is literally drawn


Didn’t Dat have a neighborhood chat with all female character?

He did with me and Arete but they closed the chat even though it was supposed to last to D4.

Derp again, I guess.

Lemme look to see if he said who he’d target

Bullcrap. I am a paranoid. There is no “unlikely that he got converted”. Put him back to PoE.

Then that should’ve been your first post instead of teaching people how the votes work.

@Arete, come and confirm this.