[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

It was going to be but then I forgot about it

He targeted me N3. Now what is this talk about?

He redirects actions to himself

This is weird.

No shit Sherlock.

I just quote it for reference so people doesn’t have to scroll up, anyway, someone ask whenever there was an error in the VC?

Dat didn’t say anything about it

How do you know?

Nay. It HAS to be vote weight changing ability.
Problem is; if it activates immediately, then sulit is 100% scum. Otherwise; either Arete or Cheese is scum.

Rather, it should he “and/or”.
There is no guarantee there couldn’t be 2 scum within Arete/Cheese/sulit.

And at this rate, I’ll just nuke 'em all.

What a coincidence that the one on that wagon is you, Clonedcheese, and Arete.

What do you mean “how do you know”?
He made a PM with me last night!

Why would I use a vote changing ability here ._.

Dat did?

To literally mislynch Mist. Duh.

Like he wasn’t going to get lynched anyways, I don’t see your point.

Dat is dead, and he is a lightning rod.

I know, I’m asking you if he had a chat with you last night.

If he wasn’t going to get lynched, and you made him get mislynched, then it’s obvious you’re evil.

Is this clear enough for you?