[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Day poisoner and night watcher?

this is dumb

I gtg, so I’ll answer later, but how are you so sure about this?

No proof of watcher AFAIK.

When it comes to voting system: That is correct.

Because I visited him last night.

/vote 1>2>4>6>7>3>5>8>9

" The Condorcet winner is the candidate who is preferred over all other candidates in head-to-head matchups."

do we actually have to make matchups

In condorcet system you can put = too.

Like 1>2>3>4=5=6>7=8>9

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Okay, fine, screw voting for voting.

Since you don’t want to do this, let’s simplify it.

Now you are using condorcet system for lynch.

(Shulze Sequential Dropping to be exact)

Have fun.



Vote count:

X Arete Sulit Derps Italy Boss Zone Apprentince Clonedcheese
Arete x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sulit 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0
Derps 0 0 x 0 0 0 0 0
Italy 0 0 0 x 0 0 0 0
Boss 0 0 0 0 x 0 0 0
Zone 0 0 0 0 0 x 0 0
Apprentice 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0
Clonedcheese 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x

Eevee what the fuck is this

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You are saying this like you never saw a vote count.

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i got a dayvig from the event
i’m not an actual day vigilante

Currently on break from parttime job. Good to see that there aren’t 100+ posts.

Anyhow @SirDerpsAlot, sulit/Cheese are Poisoner/Vote weight changer. (Unless Arete is the vote weight changer, in which case sulit might be legit Mafia Goon.)

How do you feel about Boss now? Do we prioritize killing poisoner, or do we prioritize killing the Jgoes-killer?

I wouldn’t prioritize killing Boss because he got neighborized to Mathblade who was confirming him right? What exactly went down with him confirming you and Italy @Boss110?

i think hosts used event fuckery to give mist two hidden votes or something because they were pressuring everyone to end the day

To be honest I think shot should be between sulit and cheese. Arete didn’t advocate for sulit until start of day 2 so I think sulit is likely scum if Arete was the convert. If Derps was the convert I think a cheese shot is better. Cheese has definitely been less helpful this game but he still feels >rand villagery to me.

wazza healing derps was sus as fuck

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