[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?


unfortunately i died N1 in ToS Mafia but i think you can get a decent idea of my antics as scum there

Since at this point I’m like basically always getting elected unless someone, like, reveals as IC we should probably start discussing who I’m going to expel

Since apparently town win with us Seth doesn’t really make sense as a target

I know some people suggested I go for a slanker earlier, which wouldn’t normally be my choice for D1 but since the expulsion is flipless I feel like it makes more sense (since, like, if we imagine expelling a controversial person, it actually matters what their alignment is)

but feel free to suggest alternatives

expel yourself its a power play

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oh also, random mechanical thing before I forget, does anyone have any idea what goo is? I need to target a certain number of players with goo to be able to use any of my actually useful abilities (which I think is a flavor reference), and I’m immune to its effects, whatever that’s supposed to mean, but I don’t know if it’s, like, an item or what??

anyways back to catching up

Slanker? The only person who haven’t post is Ici. I’d say that not using it at all is better but we still have a lot of time to think about this.

Maybe goo is douse-like effect?

that seems like the sort of ability that it would be better not to yolo-fire a few hours into D1

i dont feel safe with you anymore


have you seen the show in question

arete you KNOW my stance on weebs

the show which is totally an anime, eevee can fight me


Flipless kills are especially bad early game


you’d know, wouldn’t you?

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This literally was demonstrated in Looming Threat. I was cleaned.

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that was the joke i was making


We’re not using the flipless kill. Ever. Nope.
It’s a trap to use it.

this post feels weird and I’m not sure why

is my brain just being dumb

Is my vote seriously even being ignored by the host?

…dunno what I did wrong.

What the heck does this sentence even mean?

Dude. I already told you that I read you as a good guy, but that I still want you dead because you are damn annoying. In other words; you are half-correct. I don’t want to shade you for the sake of shading. I want to get rid of you because your mistakes at the beginning irritates me, and the more you talk about scumreading me, the more I want you dead, no matter how much I read you as a villager.

WTF do you mean why did I bring this up. What else am I supposed to do if I don’t bring anything up? Lurk in the shadows, wait for EOD and then vote someone who’s about to get lynched?

No I COULD NOT. Otherwise everybody else wouldn’t understand the context!

My reads are currently attached to Arete’s, so that’s a townread.

First of all, despite me reading you as a villager, there is no proof that you are a villager.
Secondly, I don’t see you trying to contribute. All I see from you so far (currently at P#935) is that you are scumreading me because I want you dead, and your villaread on Derps because of his single sentence saying “I don’t like Zone”.

How does that contribute to villagers?

Green. Same reason as TrustworthyLiberal.

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bad idea, I’m probably dying N1ish because I’m thread-spewed V at this point