[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

A village dead will definitely be a lose so trying save herself is not really that suspicious.


sulit’s play is literally the opposite of how a villager would play at MyLo

you’re kind of thunderdomed with them

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the issue isn’t that she’s trying to save herself

the issue is, her entire response to the check has been ‘Arete is a wolf I guess’ and then disappearing, rather than actually trying to solve the game or defend herself, which is what a villager would do here

(I mean also the fact that she’s redchecked but that’s not the point because I’m the only one who knows for sure the check is real)

again, based on assumption 1, tonight is a conversion night for the waifus.

Meaning 5v3 is LyLo, if we are in this case

personal thoughts are that arete and cloned are both wolves pushing the lynch here

This is a bad read and you know it

why do you think Wazza healed you

It’s Wazza he was pissed off at town and thought I was other scum

He was Probabaly the last cosplayer and wanted to say fuck you to town

as long as wazza had a convert he would want to bring villagers as close to lylo as he could before dying
so why would he heal you unless you were his scumbuddy

He Probabaly didn’t have a convert lmao

so i have to beat eevee to survive here
but i also rarely ever beat eevee at yugioh


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word of warning:

run lots of counter-summons

he fucking annihilated you with timelords didn’t he

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I’ve spent the past 2 hours learning to play Yu-Gi-Oh. Eevee doesn’t stand a chance

Should I just duel Eevee with blue eyes deck.

you poor fool
eevee runs the most powerful meme decks


Any shots on me hitting mean that we lose.

I already said it’s likely in Boss/you/Apprentice. Leaning you and Boss.

This is blantantly false. I literally spent an hour and a half last night typing and thinking about who would be the remaining the scum. Yes the check is false, and I put effort into solving outside of it as well. You just saying the only thing I’ve done is say “the check is fake.” is insulting to say the least.

I DID! I LITERALLY DID! I acknowledge I haven’t been here all the time but I literally didn’t have a ton of time today apart from tonight, where I had to finish my schoolwork first. I put a ton of work into solving last night and I KNOW you saw that post. I’m only pushing you so hard because I’m pretty confident you’re a convert and again if I get lynched today we basically lose.

I’m getting strong townie vibes from this post

But something tells me I need to stop classifying flustered as townie