[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I said that earlier like

that doesn’t disprove my point

What can I say except youre welcome

yes because that makes sense

/vote sulit = Arete = Boss > Cheese > SirDerpsAlot > Italy = Apprentice

I forgot a lot of stuff, but basically I just want people to die.

By whom?

By Arete

I would prefer arete die their pretty much always converted here

10 minutes left

…nah. Let’s kill the redchecked one.
I don’t believe a Mafia Goon claim other than mine.

The fuck kinda reasoning is this

Actually, can’t we kill both Arete and sulit?

The stupid reasoning.

Arete has been top town all game

with two cults

and now they claim a red check

in likely MYLO


Zone why are you converted? How could you do this to me.

The team is Just Arete/Zone/Boss TBH

Arete: Sulit > Derps > Boss > cloned > Zone > Apprentice > Italy > Arete
Sulit: Arete > Derps > Boss = Cheese = Apprentice > Italy > Zone > sulit
Derps: Arete > Boss > Cheese = Apprentice = Zone = Italy > Derps = Sulit
Boss: Sulit > Arete = Derps = Cheese = Apprentice = Italy = Zone = Boss
Zone: sulit = Arete = Boss > Cheese > SirDerpsAlot > Italy = Apprentice > Zone
Cheese: Sulit > Boss > Zone > Arete > Derps = Italy = Apprentice > Cheese

because I have a redcheck

what else am I supposed to do with it

With maybe? a fourth, cosplayer maybe? not sure


I was thinking of switching my vote but Derp vote changes my mind.

Lol refer to above