[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Remind me when all of your claims were mechconfirmed? I only encountered Derps N2, and I heard nothing which confirms other claims.

Both would succed.

…wtf? So they’d become a Waifu Cosplayer? Or a Cosplayer Waifu?

wazza was the leader I think

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…damnit @eevee-sama, couldn’t you update the OP!? I was worried that the Cosplayer CL was alive for nothing!


…surprisingly, the worst case scenario of 1 Cosplayer possibly alive is still unchanged.

It wouldn’t matter though, since they are neither CL nor Backup, becoming a convert is impossible…

Sigh. More work.

…Cheese, you’re taking too long. I just realized that since it’s conversion, your role don’t matter.

Still: What did you do with your Nights?


so here’s the thing
Right now we have:

  1. a poisoner
  2. 1 cult alive, since last night was a killing night for both cults
  3. A possibly neutral killer since a mafia member died N2
  4. taking this neutral killer into account, we have 1 convert N2, and 1 convert N3.

I think this means that we are now at a 2 v 2 v 1

I am odd watcher/even cop because duh, I know my own role.
I confirmed Boss110 last night, they are the Hustler.
I confirmed Derps N2, they are the interlooper
I saw that Arete did visit sulit N3.
Which leaves Zone to be our poisoner?

…I don’t want to believe it, but…
Boss is not the poisoner?

But… who? How?
…Apprentice was a Goo, so maybe Arete after all?

wait no poisoner has died

there were three people that were poisoned D2 or something

Yes, but I don’t. Like; what did you even do so far?

…just to be sure that you’re not lying: “What does a Hustler do?”

Was sulit poisoned D3 or D4?

Thing is; I can’t even deny this since I’m a Goon.
So… oof.

sulit, Derps and Ami
Wazza saved Derps. As for sulit… who saved her? --also, we totally let Ami die. Good riddance.

Welp. I can’t change others’ opinion, but at least I can still play the game for myself.

So… weird. You have to be an evil faction, since you confirmed 2~3 people who could be poisoner.

Sulit was poisoned D3. Afterwards Arete visited her? …so he shouldn’t be poisoner…

so here’s what I’m thinking

There’s a poisoner that’s alive, and they have a 1-shot “poison 3 people” and infinite shot “poison 1 person”

I know Boss is confirmed because they could not have been converted last night.
Derps could have been converted N2, but that means that they would have needed to inherit the poisoner role, which is doubtful.
I’m not the poisoner, duh
Arete came up with the redcheck on sulit; they probably weren’t the poisoner. Yes they could have been converted, but not into a poisoner.

I’m starting to think Zone is our neutral poisoner/Serial killer combo, who can poison and kill people on select nights

And that leaves the gamestate at a 2 v 2 v 1.

So… all of this really leads to me, huh?
But since I know I’m not Poisoner…
Then that just means that Cheese is.

I’m confirmed; Datbird lightning rodded me to them N1