[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I don’t think there can be a neutral killer

Apprentice said the threats to the Mafia were Waifu and Cosplay

But how exactly is this a proof?
If you were Odd Night Watcher, then you can just say that you saw yourself and get “greenchecked” that way.

I still think that Derps is pretty much outed Cosplay based on the Cosplay Cult Leader healing them from poison

but what if it’s a neutral killer like MHA
where the neutral can win with town as long as they kill certain targets

What’s MHA?


that could technically be a thing

if anyone is a neutral who can win with village now would be a good time to come out

My Hero Academia Mafia

game that happened off-site

I … kind of doubt we’d have another after Alice, to be honest, but this game is really weird so who knows

The problem is; I don’t get to see your proof of being JOAT.

I get that Derps is Un-Neighborizer, and that he’s suspicious because Wazza healed him. (Uh… who healed sulit again?) But since he isn’t or shouldn’t be a Natural Enemy (i.e. he should be converted at worst), he shouldn’t be a Poisoner.

Also; Derps being Poisoner would still mean that Cheese is lying.

Still Mafia Goon, so no.
Also, I can’t get converted anymore, so I’m fucked.

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DatBird healed sulit


Who did you target last night


Zone can you confirm

Aaand DatBird was Mafia.
No leads then.

In other words, the only people I can vote based on my knowledge are… Boss and Cheese.

I have yet to see proof that Boss is Hustler, and Cheese’s Night Results cannot be proven.

Also, what was that BS at SOD where Cheese was asking for my, Boss’ and Apprentice’s role?
If he were legit RoleCop, he wouldn’t have asked me what Boss’ role is, because:


No. I did not get any Neighbors N4.


So Zone and Derps are thunderdomed then

Wait wait I’m dumb I tagged boss

Why are Boss and Cheese safe?
Why is Derps being suspected?
I get that I can’t prove myself, but why him?
Also why is Derps lying?

Targeted I forgot it was a new die too many games