[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

but not in the thread

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told everyone to shoot Derps or die

i have 635 posts

can you add me to scum chat, Italy?

hey man when ur reads were that off other than Arete and shoot two obv towns imma sus u for good reason

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okay when ici flipped i had a heart attack because his BPV giver ability perfectly lined up with sulit’s ability and thus, my claim
but nobody even noticed it (thank fuck)

i mean you got pretty far and u did well in events. credit where it’s due
but u didn’t convert anyone and u didn’t kill many villagers so that’s kind of a bummer
apologies about the posts

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i got u

we killed TL

Everybody:NK never wins and is unfun role.
Me after my one game with it and the two recent NK wins:
Nk NeVeR wInS aNd Is A uNfUn RoLe

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okay so we actually had heart attacks when eevee did this

what was your reaction when u realized there was just 2 of you in a 28er

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@arete tell me, was the stress worth the win? Be honest here

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i rlly wanna rand NK one day

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this is why i dont trust towncore anymore. none of yall know how to properly clear someone


arete is lock v because they claimed mafia

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i guess my situation was a bit different with it as I replaced into a slot i knew was dying, but I really enjoyed NK at least til Eevee called my kills dumb

I actually did notice it but I … decided not to push you, for reasons

I don’t remember why

I was townreading Arete for different reasons, they didn’t feel like a wolf with agenda to me.
But with NK such a read is murky.