[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I am a bit cautious of Apprentice’s claim because I am a cautious person and I am in unknown territory here.

…i no longer think you’re on the right track

the list didnt have an E

I know that’s why I said it
Aren’t we supposed to be like, not making it obvious

you know what imma just stop overthinking it and assume you’re right

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Yes And you talked about contribution no UwU?

Yes, and you are not contributing at all with those one-liners. And then you defended yourself by asking “How does that make me scum?” which is completely irrelevant to the topic!

Where do you even plan to go with this!?

I don’t really have much to add right now and usually I only say what I need to.

I explained Why I wasnt contributing UwU

I asked How does me not contributing makes me scum OwO

And not others Who do same UwU

Silence can be a sign of a suspicious person, so a lack of contribution will make you stick out like a sore thumb.

Yes but I was asking UwU
How it doesnt apply to others Who arent contributing OwO

cause theyre not fucking spamming OwO and UwU


That is My post restriction UwU

/policy lynch Emilia

Noooooooooo UwU

How do we know they just haven’t woke up to check the thread out (you know time zone differences and such)?

@arete if you had to expel today who would it be

Game started 14 h ago UwU

I personally think Emilia is the most suspicious for now.

probably one of the zero or near-zero posters

since, well, it’s flipless

Why UwU