[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

It’s Okay zone UwU

No need to be shy about What games you play OwO


i’m sorry i’m not having a good day
somehow this twist of allignments is exactly what was needed to annoy me in this situation

It is p annoying cuz for like 2 days I was planning out lost wolf strats to just find out I was village UwU

It would have been better if wed got our roles and then like an hour later game started to not let ppl get hopes up UwU

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Lets focus on the game. If it’s so important we can discuss it on discord or something.

This is irrelevant to the game. Next time you talk about this, I will flag your post, and search for each and any possible way to ignore and block you.

April Fools! (if this isn’t some deception)


(I woke up at two am will be here for a few .ins then lay down again.)

Humu. Okay.

Let me ask does any part of the mafia function like a normal mafia cause I say goon claims or maybe just one earlier.

So you guys have a factional at all?

I was super happy to be town and maybe have an easy game then this happened.

we’re not actually the wolves, apparentyl
we’re all villagers tricked into thinking we are lost wolves

Do you have a night kill?

No I am a Villager role.

Not gonna claim but it makes sense to be town if not a pretty weak one at that.

Yeah I know but makes brain hurt I like calling evil mafia and will most likely do that when typing up quick posts so keep that in mind.

i really want this day to end soon

its been 14/48 hours since day start but i kind of despise half of what ive seen

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I ask because typically a mafia goon should be able to kill at night.

just call the evil faction the wolves
it saves a lot of headaches since nobody names their factions “wolves” unless they’re specifically making fun of me, thereby preventing bastardy confusion

I am worrying that there is too many townread with very little to none wolf read.
And latest time that happened the confirmed town was converted by a day ability.

Wait conversion is a common thing here.
From what am use to Its never used including in bastard games played before.