[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

You have to trust me on this, but if you were to ask anyone who has played similar games with me in the past they would say exactly what I said. I am just trying to say that if I was a baddie you would know it.

My card is Red.
I was lying because I thought I was actual Traitor.

Not true.

I don’t like this.

Wasn’t able to read all of the content posted after I went to bed because I GTG to work but read about 15-25% of the new content.

@Simon @EVO This game started.

Someone dayvig Ici thx

Then why did you keep claiming Town even when faced with the fact that most people are same as you and mafia?

To the point where Apprentice had to use his prize to sort you out.

alright well ill try and keep up from now but im not going to read all of those 1500 posts so far im afraid.

as i do not have the time or the will to do so

I have mafia Check on you

and as i said before i even got my role, i will be fairly passive for at least the first bit

ok? its very possible that its been messed with in some way and obviously thats what im claiming happened

Disagree. I think the way he got annoyed by the reversed factions was plausible.

either that or your lying and this is a reactiontest

So you arent mafia?

like i would claim mafia if i were mafia?

One thing I’m curious about, Dry retracted his town claim, but TL still claims town, right?

@TrustworthyLiberal What is your win condition, and do you know if there are more people in Town faction?

Just making sure

What’s your wincon?

are you not a member of the town faction?