[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Very towny

H m m m m m :thinking:
What makes you think that?

i mean. my literal first reaction upon seeing my rolecard was just “alright so we’ll act as town for the first day completely. no reason to try and feel out other mafia”
which if it werent for you asking wincons and stuff i would have done

I think that’s the towniest reaction Iv ever seen

Brave opinion, how are you going to convince majority of the people that this is true though?

Idk I’ll figure it out tomorrow

Kinda lame, dude, that’s the same thing you said about Ici.

I don’t know whenever you are being sarcastic or not.

raises hand

My D1 reads rely on gut and well, that dosent seem to convince most people

Give me the reason not to want to kill you, sulit.

What did you read?

Back to reading the thread: I got a B. Better than a D or an F, so I’m fine with it.

I got an A- because I couldn’t figure out how to change color

Not much, I don’t have a lot of time until I finish schoolwork.

Sure, you did have time to post weird poetry at day start though.

@SirDerpsAlot why’d you raise your hand?

Yes, it is relatively low effort.

Legit read like 4 posts after my dude

It doesn’t.
Gut reading is a really complicated thing, you can use it as a motivation to read someone but using it to convince people that your opinion is the truth aren’t going to work.

Hey look you restated my point but in more words