[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I’d disagree but ok.

Chemist is throwing town chemist things out instead of scum chemist things

I don’t think there’s much of a difference.

There is :^)

So here is what I think.
You (Sulit) are avoiding my question on purpose, I don’t know why you are doing this, but I am not going to townread you for it or scumread you either since it’s probably NAI. I will put you in Null for now since your content were much better later on. But I want to know why you are avoiding my question even though you know exactly well what I am asking.

I wanted to annoy you

as scum mist locktowned me for posting a joke in ToLFM
i’m not exactly sure on how good he is but…yeah that happened

What’s the point in that?
How does annoying someone benefit good guys?

To see how they’d react

You are very mean.
Anyway, this is a very straightforward answer so I guess I will take it for now and don’t put too much thoughts on it.

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Do you think mist is town?

You’re restraining yourself for once?.. I’m so proud of you


i’d have to iso him or at least read some of his posts to get a grasp on that
and ISOing people is truly suffering with how boring it is

I don’t understand italy

It’s time to read again:

Why the hecc are you neighbor fishing?

Anywho I’m done with my lunch chao

You probably won’t ever
but isoing people is boring as hell

Wait you live in Italy?

I thought that place is dead.