[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I agree based off how people have claimed i know town in uninformed but on what scale in unknown to me as i have no way of knowing.

I assume all town roles would be similar to me in this case however if i am indeed one and the only town i am gonna cry honestly cause i assume town needs to be alive with mafia to declare victory at the end.

No u

Everyone has locktowned me they just dont state the obvious

I actually have u in the scumlean category


Like, it really feels that Boss’ entire posts regarding this read is performative as hell. This furthers what I feel when I’m reading his posts.

Any ideas on who/if you want to expel yet?

Yea but you are Wrong So I just reverse your reads And get aligments

also make sure to ping them for a fullclaim if you plan to do it

I mean if my choices are ‘1 flipless death’ or ‘potentially kill everyone who didn’t solve a math problem’ like someone was suggesting, the answer seems pretty obvious

I basically think that ‘slanky person with few associations’ is a good choice but I don’t have a specific person in mind

Reverse my read ok

Emilia has provided 0 content, hasnt read up, and is asking to be townread after I call her out for both.

So the reverse is emilia has provide tons of content, read up, and isnt asked to be townread and no ones calling her out.

If that happened sure, I would townread you


May i suggest Lend for this slot as i mentioned before they already said they have no whim for this game and seem like they will just low post and give nothing to us.

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I mean eevee didn’t say they would kill everyone who couldn’t solve a math problem that’s just my best guess when eevee says “it would be in your best interest to focus on the lynch and I’m not lying”

Yes I have provided

That’s normal for me

You havent done that

I wouldn’t be opposed to that idea

anyways I have to eat dinner now

be back in a bit


don’t care if its normal for you. Not normal from my memory


Well i can’t math and nor willing to or have the time to learn complicate algebra so like better kill and potentially save people over not having a chosen kill and get a random amount of people killed.

Oh yeah I 100% think we should use the flipless kill if we think the alternative is everyone who misses the math question dying


Who is your prefored target?

I want to set up a list and have people vote on it as if it was a lynch leaving the final choice up to Arete i am willing to get pinged and keep up with it if needed.

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Right now between three being emilia for obvious reasons, an_gorta_pratei as almost everything they posted has felt off to me, and cloned cheese as squid, Astand, me, and Alice all felt very similiarly to their posts about flavor