[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

same here
kinda wanted N


i think i know whats going on here beyond the realm of normal understanding as i am the only mix character

hey that was my pick

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I grew up on season 12

One of my other options was Akechi, but I’m still glad I got the best brother as my flavor

It is flavor-related for me.

…we either have a misunderstanding about “town” and “mafia/scum”, or a conflict of belief.
Either way, I want this fixed ASAP.

As for astand, I would imagine that the minority would’ve figured things out already by having a private PM with each other. Like, how was it done in orange’s Magical Girl FM? It’s probably like that.

Also hey, props to the other JoJo people for picking different parts

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alright hot take

what if Katze is neutral, 3rd party

Guys what we we doing talking about flavor?! We have more pressing matters to attend to right now!

like what

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like what

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I had Johnny, Jobin, and for the devils pick of Joshu

O-Oh right! Sorry, Derps-niichan! Is there anyone that’s been making odd posts recently?

i’m actually rather disappointed that i didn’t get the character that shoots trains

also the reason i was meowing was because i submitted 2 cats and a pokemon and got the pokemon

and i think i know why

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which one of the flavor characters are antagonists

eevee said “flavor is NAI” so naturally I suspect it’s not


fun fact my discord avatar right now is a sylveon