[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

DryBones if I am a ‘Null Bad Guy’ why do you want to be on my town list?

Scum sometimes do what you do, Kyo is right to say what they said. It isn’t shade.

What you did*

Except what he said was false?

IDC either way.
Just asking why, and I assume the answer was lack of engagement/interaction towards me and you.
Is that correct?

Literally only scum does what he did.

The holier-than-thou ‘you dare to push me’ hahahahah attitude

It almost never comes from town


Wait so let me get this straight.
You said your scum Reads (more then 1)
And Kyo claimed their your only scum read?
Is that the case here?


I’d agree that actually makes Kyo more probable bad guy in that situation.

Especially in the exact same post that I said Kyo was a decent target for expulsion, I put two other scumreads in there too

I think I’ll watch closely on Kyo’s further Actions to see if my read changes or not.
You can come back at Null.

I usually skip allot of reading.

I’m lazy

Hi Luxy.

Hi astand.

What makes you want to see Luxy on this fine day?

DryBones is a good boi, he’s Seththeking, some level of dumbassery is expected from him.

I like Luxy as a player.

This is not pocketing!