[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I might once I read the 1600 posts on my plate and sense hostility
or else i wanna sleep and read the 1600 posts with a fresh mind tmrw

ah didn’t see it

I put him (?) down as “slight good” because the only thing I found was slight town-y and the rest were NAI fluff talk

I don’t do meta stuff because I don’t know anyone’s meta.

I made long posts too when I was new

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who is this “other” you speak of

i made a long post once

Even if you ignore meta there is still other content to read. Like him complaining to Eevee or entrance post and such.

To name an example, DryBone.

There exists 0 reason to even pay attention to that quote, as everyone was pretending to be town there.

There is nothing wrong with using term “wolf”, in fact, I think word mafia is used more rarely than wolf anyway? I’d let it slide for you since you might have different experience from where you are from, I’m used to MU.
Second on is simply nonsense, making a conjecture on what wolves could know is TMI? Why is it TMI and not just me guessing? What reason you have to state it’s one possiblity and not the other?
And let’s not pretend you are building some sort of TMI pattern for me here.

Because I’m a villager with antagonist flavor, which proves that your reasonining was bad.

No? Pretty sure you explicitly stated something like “eevee said flavor isn’t indicative, so what if it’s actually indicative? People who are antagonists are sus” - essentially that (as far as I remember). Or do you disagree?
It did feel like a jump that didn’t have a good enough justification.

Write at least a paragraph on what’s wrong with it, because I won’t accept this.

Also there is a lot of AI stuff you skipped in my ISO.

ok i actually have to leave

answer to final question for the day:

honestly looks like fluff. And if I learned any “meta” things from playing FM is that some people really like fluff

Personally I find that he is trying to hard to act like he thought he is actually LW, not to mention he also somehow miraculously figure out that the mafia is actually a good guy faction even though no one tell him.


@clonedcheese The most important question, what really compelled you to claim that was TMI?

Because imo if I weren’t there, a random person would’ve said exact same thing, as it’s an obvious deduction (or a wolf would have really TMIed, I guess, but how you’d distinct one from the other?)

You didn’t convince me that you actually tried to solve my alignment and not picked stuff that you could call bad by ISOing me.

He use TMI so many time that I started to think he has secret information we don’t know himself, I am referring to Clonedcheese if you are wondering.

I’d even go as far as say that even if you are villa, you probably didn’t try to solve me either, and probably biased yourself. (which is optimistic possiblity)

i do not recognise the bloody CDC as a valid source on my neurodivergence

Dangit, can we take this somewhere else.

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i’m not going to. i’m just going to call somebody out if they inadvertently spread misinformation in their ignorance.


I am talking about the autism debate.