[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?


No, it isn’t, but it is a great way as to see who people think is most likely town

He’s probably reffering to ITAs.

it probably won’t but still good to track thread progression

Voted Votee Votes
Luxy Zone 1/15
Cloned PSquid 1/15

the bad town or the mafia town

hugs DatBird, in non-violent way

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Scum town

We need to figure out what were going to call them. I vote that we refer to the informed minority as mafia as normal.

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Ok, posts aren’t loading properly for me, it’s just a pain.


Scum or Town doesnt really matter

so i have information that might solve this gender debate

Uninformed majority = village

Informed minority = scum

nice, non-overlapping terms that are still obvious in their meanings


Isn’t it already solved?

I… I think we should still call them scum since the terms Mafia and Town could confuse a lot of people

I KNOW RIGHT!? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Derps is probably overreacting. We have 48 hours, so we should enjoy the beginning for now.
Dunno what to feel about Cheese voting Derps though. …meh, probably not harmful.

Yep. Probably antagonist. She loves her father, and will probably follow his footsteps. I mean, she already revived him, so she is probably an antagonist.

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@BenShapiro2 please take the mic

its probably not alignment indicative but it still matters

there are gender specific events

Arete, you’re a nerd, do you remember the entire OP by heart?

Uh, okay that’s new.


makes sense

Overeacting?! The longer we take the more people who die! I can’t just stand by while peoples lives are in danger!