[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

i have a gut feeling ITA sessions wont begin on D2 and that’s a thought that’s also worrying me

We don’t even have a normal lynch or wagons, so a lot of things and reads people say are kinda theoretical and show their intent to a lesser extent than normal.

I doubt it, would be too wolfsided.

And more importantly, wouldn’t be fun, and that at least should matter to eevee.

He has done AtE often before So if Thats How it is for him irl he would say it here as scum too

Plus his read on me was pretty awful ngl

In terms of scumminess

perhaps im overthinking the “4 bad grades = being expelled” combined with D1 being in school with no ITAs because violence isn’t allowed at schools

so my mind is assuming D2 will also be in school

and thus will have no ITAs

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Astand was talking about his reaction, not AtE stuff.

He was talking about frustation in his reaction no?

That was pointed towards Eevee mostly and none of the player. Is he complaining? Yes. But he doesn’t exactly target any person in particular with it.

I was talking about his early posts, there was emotion in them, but I’m not sure I would call them AtE.

As for Emilia vs Ici exchange I felt Emilia was decently villagery, maybe more villagery than Ici there.

Yeah I was thinking that


I’m already sure someone is miscleared, its just who

On D2 a notebook will drop from the sky and that will be our method of killing.

I find it interesting that a lot of people disagree with me reading Boss as town but I haven’t seen anything actually bad from Boss that would make them think that

I’m already getting the feeling that Boss is being setup as a mislynch target

A lot of people asked me about my townread on him specifically which was weird

Who disagrees besides Alice, who pointed out reasons?


Yeah, I only remember Arete and they was just asking why you townread me?