[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Okay then… god this is going to take a long time

Basically its info about a third party


Day ends at 3:25 pm today.

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Quick banter: As a person on the spectrum, I’m here to say that yes, autism can vary from person to person. That’s why the terms high functioning and low functioning exist. That’s also why Asperger’s is considered to be a form of autism instead of calling it a completely separate condition. The CDC is one of the most trustworthy sources when it comes to health-related info. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Fk, please.

Use hours remaining.


tfw everyone lives in your timezone


This is replying to one of Ici’s posts if it isn’t obvious enough

Day ends in 5 hours, 19 minutes and 45 secs

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i disagree with high-functioning and low-functioning as labels

as i explained at one point in the cookie thread, i think thinking of the condition as being more or less severe in a straight line is an improper idea, because it gives ableists the out of “yeah well you’re one of the less severe ones” so they can continue to shit on less functioning individuals

I’ll go continue talking about this in the cookie thread so it doesn’t hold up discussion here


I’m caught up now. My reads haven’t changed that much except I like Ici a bit more now from their recent chat. My only non consensus read is that I still wolflean Squid for what I see to be a very unnatural reaction to Arete claiming to be Mafia.

don’t tease me like that Hippo

No matter what, Emilia does find a way to piss people off because of her stubbornness (Me included). Now she has actually formed some content which I’m impressed by, so I’m not going to push on her as hard. Only time will tell for her slot

see my problem is that it feels like her irritating questions are less incisive than usual, if that makes sense? like this thing she did with me earlier about pushing me on my reaction to the whole “loleevee” allignment thing, it felt like the questions weren’t as… cutting as usual

does that make sense


Sort of? I can’t tell the difference between the townie and scummy forms of “This is a waste of time”

i get it and i’m not even quite sure about it myself
quite frankly this first day has been a disaster for me
thanks, sudden stress

You accuse me of accusing you?