[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

i will hurt you if the anticlaim doesn’t kill you first

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I am blackmailed.

: )

20 posts, and none are good

But I yeet people out of their chars because of it


I don’t really know what to say besides don’t forget to write in your log all information or read you have.

i am encouraging derps to start running


Last will.

Anticlaiming Me is meh. I’m kinda not very strong

Do we have them?

Not sure, I just remembered about it. Someone should asked Eevee.

It’s still more KP to wolves. Nobody should be claiming by now.

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Most of the time scum can perform anti-claim kill alongside the factional one.

if anticlaim has no other targets
then you’re still the best one they have
and extra kp bad, like boss and alice said

I’m not scared

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I was just like you in danganronpa FM
Can anyone remind me what happened there?

Alice wants me to die anyways

I think I know where this is going.