[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Event 4

Will happen in 10 minutes.


Night 1 start

Will last 24 hours.

First of all we have some good and bad news.

Bad news is that due to coronavirus outbreak we have to close the school.
So none of you can be expelled for bad marks.

Totaly unpredictable, right?
It’s not like I suggested it for the whole day.

Good news is that… without school there is no homework.
But I hope you appreciate the effort of our teacher - Mr. orangeandblack5 in teaching you linear algebra anyway.

But yeah, event 3 was a scam without a prizes nor penalties, just you solving orange’s textbook.



Event 4

Press me.

Here is mix of few anime songs.

For each one you guess corectly your chances to hit in ITA tommorow will increase.
For each one you guess incorrectly your chances to hit in ITA tommorow will descrease.

Answers should be posted in the rolecards.

No discussing with others this time.

Time to finish the task: Till start of day 2.


I was told to keep people calm we know the audio thing doesn’t work and Eevee is trying to fix it


fwiw that was my homework last year not now and none of you got both parts right

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Event 4 cancelled

Some of you just cheated it with sound recognition programs.
I mean, it would be fine if you searched for them on YT, but what’s the point in event if you take no effort.

Also… one person bought the answers from external source.

Can you… not spend money on FM game please?
Pretty please?


Event 4 rerun

You can /in in this thread after this post.
This time we are going song quiz life, cause… why not.

No penalties.
Bonuses to ITA chance for each song you guess correctly.

We start in 20 minutes.

Do not post anything else then /in.








Player List


Fine, let’s close it on it for now.

I will run 2nd round for others later.

Not everyone has to be online rn after all.

Ping me in your rolecard if you want to take part in event 4.

I will just host it for ya.

Day start will be delayed till I return from epidemiologic HQ shift.

Around… 2-3 hours of delay?


I’m available for around an hour, if there’s interest I may be able to run a last flight of the event in 40 minutes. If you’re interested, ping me in your class card.

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