[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

1 hour away = 500 posts to catch up on

not really
alice had decent points but you’re low priority so only fear for your life if real targets don’t appear

he said that it was the content he found

its oooonnnnnnn

before anyone shoots let me relink the list

Hippo I’ll hero shoot if you hero shoot

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what is base chance

i already have a good quote

can you point exat ones

/REKT Emilia

It’s time to end you once and for all!

@DatBird can you confirm this or should i find it myself?

i literally havent read any thread so im waiting for some list or something but then my bullet shall find scum at rando

well then

this game is kinda weeby idk why im here

quote it pls

oh boy you guys just can’t contain yourself for any semblance of time can you

the moment when base chance turns out to be 100%

also I have conf role and mech info so dont shoot

i meant the ita thing

Too late. Drop dead.