[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Should’ve used red dragon archfiend smh

I might have misinterpreted what he wrote, but I thought he said if Zone shot me he would prob shoot Zone

take my like and get out

no. im not shooting him unless he goes after dat like he threatened. id just rather have him die than dat, but rather than either of those two possibilities id have neither of them die

Annnd Emilia is gone

well lets hope she comes back with a wolf


should i shoot emilia so zone can at least feel good about something

she bac

They’re completely uncooperative rn.

wow really

Go ahead. Were they really confirm-able then they’d have already outed this info before ITAs started.

I am trying to cooperate

imagine winning the event and missing your ITA anyway

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You’re not lol

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…well? Your point being? 5 minutes is over. Whatever you wanted from me by having this conversation… you have no reason to do it anymore.

I keep my word, and I don’t tunnel DatBird.
So? What do you gonna do now?

Also asking to shoot a player in the PoE does feel pretty wolfy.



nothing? for now at least. i said what i would do if a certain thing happened, and i stand by that.
but that thing didnt happen. so im not doing it.

I wont untill its absolutely necessary I would prefer people not to ITA untill at least mid day

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