[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

what the fuck
I’m out

hello please give me permission to shoot the member of the PoE :^)

oh, thats alice? huh

That’s a positive.

I am in a bad mood, so I’ll badmouth each and anything that I can badmouth.

when people change their name an pfp i just lose all knowledge of who they are



i approach your box with a gun

convince me not to fill it with holes


Start firing M32 Rotary Grenade Launchers at Italy
If mine missed I’m sure more will hit

poisonous FM got me hung for my active refusal to vote early into the day and people still can’t learn i’m extremely cautious with lives

I’ve gotta go for a few hours. Try not to burn this place to the ground before I get back

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your gun will jam

love it



so if i theoretically killed you would we be missing out on information you’ve yet to speak

but you won’t kill me

I thought same reading it


i’m approaching you

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watch me

loads slingshot

hey man i tend to be hesitant in that stuff too. it just takes a bit or some proper explanations but its fine eventually

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