[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

If Alice is Bad Guy, you shouldn’t give all your trust in them, I’m a Good Guy, give all your trust in me!

Nah but in all honesty

i’m gonna take the third option and put all my trust in arete
even though that’s probably not the best idea

I exist Italy

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Make sure to not follow others.
Following your own self. Don’t let others manipulate you.

finally, someone i forgot to acknowledge the existence of instead of everyone failing to realize i exist

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That’s probably not a bad bet.
He’s 95% Good Guy.
That’s higher then anyone in this game.
Even me. Despite me knowing I’m 100% others probably put me in roughly 82%.

Who said that?


Ami, they said that Arete didnt speak in a neighborhood at night

I feel like I missed something which I probably did because I went over the part Ici posted in really fast

Why Ici?


but like

I have two neighborhoods??

but she claims it’s not a reactiontest???

but I don’t really see a reason for her to randomly lie about that as scum???

i feel like if i vest arete
then i’ll stop whatever ami is cooking
and that’d confirm me?

They also said they have no ita, and wont shoot u even though they tell others to

ami seems to be
that arete is going to die tonight

So do you have 2 Neighbourhoods or are you just in 1 Neighbourhood with Sulits?

I think that’s pretty town-indicative of them.

They usually have a very stiff and serious wolfgame while as V they’re more FPS-y and troll-y.

1 with Sulit
1 with ???

all in favor of giving a BPV to arete?

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saying who you’re making bulletproof nullifies the benefit of doing so

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