[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

also can one more person say “I am a member of the Mafia”

id ask arete if they ever picked up on the breadcrumbs i left them but i dont know if they even knew those breadcrumbs existed

  • ITAs are a thing
  • Italy ITA’d Emilia successfully (flipped Mafia RB)
  • Alice claims mech info that EVO was Mafia Goon
  • Ami is claiming mech info that I don’t have a neighborhood??? which is false, I think she must’ve been roleblocked or something
  • Luxy claims a soft-redcheck on Kyo (Kyo was his only visitor, and he got a weird ominous kill threat)

mafia bus driver*

were there more breadcrumbs besides the acronym

Katze I do not care about your claim untill Eevee tells me you’re good

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smh not even going to say that i claimed

that’s what I meant

I don’t know why I typed RB

there were

i forgot exactly where but i remember i said something to you that only… three people would pick up on, and you’re the most likely one


Who died today and what’s the shots list

i was the only one who nailed a shot
i also dodged like 5 ITAs because i’m neo from the matrix

TL died overnight (town) and Blue died overnight (Mafia)

Italy shot Emilia (Mafia), no other shots have connected

does anyone remember the post number for the shots list

From what I see we can assume mafia doesn’t have claimvig?

also you got the ‘Mafia are the good guys’ memo right

nobody tell him


mafia is uninformed majority

Given that I claimed LW day 1 yes


how does boss not know this

wait shit i fucked it up i told him