[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I like how everyone just forget that a transporter who haven’t claim what they done last night exist.

a bus driver moving arete would make sense tbf

@italy thanks for shooting emilia so fast :slight_smile:

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sorry for accusing you of trolling earlier

can you ask eevee what result you would get if occupied, and what result you’d get if you were redirected to someone who hadn’t spoken outside their rolecard?

@KyoDaz You said you visited Luxy last night, right? What did you do?

Tbh, Emilia fucked up her claim. She should have outed earlier as she was the prime target for shots once the day begin, so it’s not Italy’s fault.

did emilia play optimally? no

was italy told to wait? yes

did italy wait? no

People here are bloodthirsty.

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i’m seeing a pattern here
this is the exact same that happened in evofm


i almost want to clear you for being dumb enough to make that mistake again tbh

remember that time earlier when i claimed to be wearing a BPV and then not even a minute later somebody tried to shoot me

This is way more good guy PoV then Bad Guy PoV so I’m happy with my Good Guy Read on you.


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well italy

either i tunnel you for not being dumb or i clear you for being dumb

pick your poison

Kyo did Claim they “iced” Luxy before Luxy claimed.

Give me an example.

there’s no winning this

being dumb is the smart option because you walk out alive
but being smart is the dumb option because you fucking die
it’s an endless loop of suffering

I can see that statement is false because you haven’t shot yet.

then what’s that hole in your head