[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

kyo has been sus as…frick

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Scum can just post whatever they want as well as Town.
He might have not known town got mafia rolecards. His reaction he gave isn’t alignment indicative.
The fact your refusing to give me an example makes me want to believe if he’s scum, so are you.

Shoot Cheese then.

He’s in the same position pretty much.
I’d just prefer Jgoes

I am gonna be honest my opinion on Ici is biased.

kyo shoots at me
asks me to shoot sulit “even though they just tried to kill me”
i claim
they pull a complete fucking 180 and hard defend me

Well if your a TI by any chance I suggest checking him.

Yeah you and Simon and definitely Good Guys.

can we not shoot people who havent posted on d2

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Cheese posted on d2.
Want to still continue to defend Cheese?


you’re talking about shooting jgoes who has not posted on d2

i didnt say a word about cheese

but hey you’re free to shoot me if you think im defending scum :^)

(this only applies to you, drybones, nobody else is allowed to shoot me)

Also, here is what I think about nightkill.
BlueStrom was probably shoot by a good guy, maybe TL or slank vig.
TL kill I think is weird, I am thinking that scum either have a role check that can be use during day time or it effect is immediately. Both flip were a PR so there’s a good chance that they kill them based on role power.
What I am worrying is that none of the strong player so far was kill, I am thinking that maybe one of them was saved?

now this is the kinda word-knot i live for

just give me more math man please (just at like BC calc (calc 2) or below)


tinfoil: the thing about it not being a reactiontest was a meta-reactiontest

preach :raised_hands:

do we respond to this in our classcards or publicly?

i layered the post until one wasnt fluff

the Google Translate riddle was already solved by soolit

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yeah well we working through this alright

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Did Zone claim what he got from the event?
I feel uneasy about him hiding it.

If Zone is scum he could have gotten something that screws us all over!

Scum as in Bad Guy!

the event zone won was for ITA chance

the event sulit one she has not disclosed her award iirc?