[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

you’re the one to read, my dude :stuck_out_tongue:

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But in the post where he talked about that, he was using the fact that that would be unlikely in his mind for a villager to argue that TL didn’t do it…?

it’s 1 am
i’m tired now
arete, SLEEP

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yeah ima go to sleep to

nighty night

I interpreted it wrong my bad.
**/Vote Iendun **

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/Vote lendun

Same here!

I’m clearly not in the right mind RN lol.

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they’re gonna be up like 4 more hours probably cause they’re an ultranerd :^)


aren’t you an entire hour ahead of us both

yes sir

so it’s 2 AM for you

2:10 actually

do i have to find the book

go the fuck to sleep

ill be up for a few more hours don’t worry :^)

you go to sleep first and ill ITA you before you wake up, okay?

with any luck you might actually hit my vest

I"m not going to do anything today except shoot.

is there a reason for this

Real life


that is a good reason

hope everything goes well if it’s that kind of ordeal

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