[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

BlueStrom is Null and TL is townlean but that’s pretty much it, so we can assume they do it to get rid of PR rather than killing confirm town or a strong player.

leaning towards TL being killed because of their role crumbs (Alice pointed out that this would mean scum had someone at least slightly competent at picking up softs)

it also seems kind of notable that she was one of a handful of Town claims

Blue might have been vigged by scum? since the alternative is scum deciding to kill him for some reason (or having their actions interfered with)

I’m trying to figure out if there’s a reason

my brain is like ‘it’s because he’s a wolf switching between real posts and fake posts’ but I’m trying not to confbias myself

Yeah, I highly doubt village would kill him over Lendun. Blue at least post but Lendun is just gone.

Please do not edit own posts.

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I presume we know Emilia’s action last night?

that sure would be nice, now, wouldn’t it

Ah, I see. This is one of those Emilia games.

italy didn’t give her much time before shooting her

much to my dismay

i think TL softed very blatantly that they were a vig (although my lack of knowledge towards their character might have helped, but “ill explode you” definitely gave me vig vibes)

bluestorm is an odd kill

I have a question

How did you know that Emilia had died + her flip

And as a pitiful being, you miss your ita.


I did at least read the OP to check for flips when I learned Night had ended.

Yup, and I do not feel guilty in the slightest.

Tell me what you think went on with that shot, particularly what it says about Italy’s allignment, please?

You’re still a useless paranoid. I got nothing from the event, so it’s probably an increase for ITA chance.
–in which I still missed to kill Emilia.

most people are kinda assuming italy is town because they think Italy/Kyo is never W/W and Kyo is much wolfier than italy

but im still tunneled that italy (and you, to an extent) are both scum so im prob not the best person to ask here

True, true, I suppose.

@Arete could you answer the same question I just asked Katze?

I kind of got distracted from what the shot says about Italy’s alignment by what Kyo’s blatant pocket attempt on Italy says about his alignment

I skimmed too much. What is the reason people are scumreading Kyo?