[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Inb4 all the mafia are actually evil and dont realize it lmao

that would probably require apprentice being scum for the event 1 results thing

all the mafia actually were lost wolves and somehow managed to get towncored for openwolfing

The threats to us are basically supposed to be the Waifus/Cosplayers according to Apprentice.

Oh Astand, whats your read on Mist look like now btw

if you want shots that are not either of those two then, I don’t know, Lendun exists and is himself

What’s your take on cheese

Lendun is basically Andrej 2.0, so yeah.


I’m not getting that bad or dry vibes from them recently, so I’m not sure.
I think they are acting believably in how village!Mist acts when in lazy/low-energy mode.

That sort of feeling. Idk.

I used my poison heal on Mist and it’s done absolute zero

After gunshow I don’t wanna kill lendun with his ISO

It’s not a fantastic ISO but his village games never are

I think he has more conviction as wolf

What did you expect???

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So townlean then?

Or Null?

No, climbed to null at best.

I think I’ll perform a better NKA here.

So, we know that likely TL killed BlueStorm and the wolves killed TL, right?

There would be no reason for the wolves to kill Blue being that he was in the PoE and TL was a townread who was blatantly softing vig.

I dunno. Some sort of reversed-actions where attacks are heals and heals are attacks
So he’d be poisoned. Maybe?


he did like one super village-AI thing in our neighborhood but then dropped off a lot

yes he is Linear Algebra Neighbor

I’m not opposed to shots there but I think there are better targets

Wait based on what did you pick Mist?