[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

not yet :eyes:

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At this point I won’t have any objections to lendun shot.

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He’s not playing, so may as well just yeet him out the window to clean the PoE.

strong text[quote=“DatBird, post:1239, topic:81017, full:true”][quote=“DatBird, post:2574, topic:81017, full:true”]

first one for content

I was referring to why I scumread you these at the point I called you out. If u want to fight that u provided content afterwards I can read ur whole entire iso, but the thing is I have read thread u haven’t so I have seen ur posts and no I’m going to be disappointed in wasting time doing u for pointless reasons.

Emilia if u are any bit town. Take a step back. Read thread, stop fighting u are town with these pointless fights. They are just spam from both sides at this point. Find me a better lynch target

If I guessed properly from what I can tell, or am just making leaps and bounds in my logic. The person i think arete has as 1 of their neighbors seems great to me

These are the only posts that fit with the criteria but their not really scummy.

Damn that quoted terribly wrong

Who wants to tell him

Oh she’s probably pocketing you.

I still think Dry and Astand are WvW NGL

I can read both Seth and Astand with incredible accuracy. Both of them are V, unfortunately for Seth’s case.

DatBird said that

I disagree

Everything except the last part is DatBird quotes

It’s just deformed quotes

am i the only person waiting in suspense to see if katze really will hit his ITA

You know what. I reckon the wolf team is comprised of very strong wolfs//lurkers. It would make sense why we arent finding anyone wolfy



I’d rather hang outside of clonedcheese and Icibalus. I don’t feel any pressure from scum to have their lynches changed. Absolutely zero resistance from anyone.
@Simon what are your reads

Probs a chunk of them are lurkers. Only real strong wolves I know here are Arete, who I’m very certain is V, and Hippo, who has tonally been falling today.

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I honestly believe the universal PoE is more townier than universal towncore at the moment

You fail to mention yourself

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