[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Usopp is a guy lol

what does your rolecard say?

So your a lost wolf that’s actually Town?

Well… okay! @Arete, you heard the man! Shoot him!

If that were the case, then this game would be bastard and I am DAMN sure that this game isn’t bastard.

Whoever said they screenshotted the OP should be able to confirm me.

Shoot me at night.

So I can prove myself

Im back, Im struggling to belive that Dry is scum. Something dosen’t feel right.

you have spent most of this game insisting you are town and I’m inclined to trust that

the question is whether you’re uninformed majority or informed minority, astand was speculating that there could be an extra third faction or something with town and mafia still winning together

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here’s the question
does the exile fulfill a Jester’s wincon?
My guess is yes

are you claiming to be aretes neighbor and that arete is a vig

No one said you couldn’t vote a guy for best girl

Unfortunately, she FPS’ed in that game


so I can’t read

/best girl Arete

I’m just going to treat this as if I was Town.
Because I’m confused on my alignment now thanks to all of you.

Allow me to start doing what I do best!

why is nobody voting me as best girl

this is sexism

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Doesn’t beat girl have the gun though?

Why should we pick you over someone like Arete?

I do not belive the Dry is scum. Based on the wincondition they gave, which I am inclined to belive here, they can not be scum.

because i said so