[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

hi im back

I just didn’t think advertising “hey I have a quadrillion shots” was a very scummy thing to do

what do you mean
what did I miss

You acted as if you know something about derps, alice, and emilia

Well katze just claimed to have a redcheck
And this seems real for now…


Yeah my school is weird, we call it APLAC

Hey :angry:

shrug, bluestorm would definitely be a reasonable vig shot

little does he know…

katze what the fuck
stop trolling me

Again, why would town shoot Blue over Lendun?

katze has faked a dayvig on me three times

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third fourth times a charm

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considering katze is typing
i meant 4

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i’m just waiting to find out he’s been baiting me this entire time and has a real dayvig and is just waiting until tomorrow when i’m not wearing a vest to blow my brains out

/thundercrosssplitattack Italy



That’s your interpretation then, because I knew nothing about those three.

The only thing I know from Emilia is that she was useless AF at D1, and plead innocence before her death.

The only thing I know from Alice and Derps is that Derps planned to visit & talk with Alice N1 since they said so before EOD1.

If you plan to shade me, you better start with ISO’ing me and finding all the useless one-liner shitposts that I made.

/hinjaku katze
i came prepared this time


can we please not

/shoot italy

Sorry, but I literally only have bad memories abou you. Like, really enraging faint memories.

oh no i’ve been got i’m definitely dead
Italy has died! He was…

What do you have against me? LOL

Has Alice even say what happened to her check?

I haven’t used my check today.

Why haven’t you used your check lmao