[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

someone please ITA me for that

/falconpunch katze
definitely fucking scum

/Vote Jgoes


since you’re like kinda almost definitely town and you are a player who has reads i can usually follow

whats your thought process with alice today, particularly in the categories ive visibly disdained? do you think her reactions to my RTs earlier were all NAI?


hello fellow FM players

I apologise for not being here at all (I even forgot to use my night action lmao)

7000 posts…

why are you scum

I’m a cop and I have a red check on KyoDaz. Vote him.

What’s this for by the way


shrugs. Dat clearly wants to know but has no will power to fight. He would rather play Sekiro

go play sekiro then you nerd

if i were to say what it meant (if it has a meaning) immediately then it’d defeat the purpose of obfuscating what i was trying to hypothetically say, would it not?

Yes but it’s not the first time either I noticed earlier, I just forgot to bring it up

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Time to go through 767 posts to find them all and see if theres a connection

I don’t think that’s worth your time but I can’t stop you

Did u ever say what AFIMSSS is?


Katze u and ur riddles. They gonna hurt me as I’m gonna be thinking about them now

someone who is healing me

probably for the better you don’t