[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Well I found the other one, but like I give up at this point. It feels like just a goose hunt.

sure kat

His vote should have been still on the inactive from his POV.
The fact it wasn’t and he forgot is Bad guy telling.

also was I supposed to do anything special to the 2200


Boss is Bad Guy.
You agree?

I would say the null to scum area for sure. Other than the jgoes vote what else do you not like about him(i think it was jgoes at least)

that point was mostly exaggerated to continue pressuring the slot

i think the ad hominem response to my threat was AI but i also acknowledge that toxicity is something she’s done as town and as scum

maybe, maybe not

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But it’s on an inactive, Jgoes.

he’s solidly in my PoE but other people are further in my PoE

Was anything important or AI said by Ici today?

I’m going to be honest I have no idea how to read Alice

just go with the gut. And hope she resolves

He did TR Kyo earlier on. That’s pretty much it.

Kyo and Ici were mates in Marson it prob be good to check how they interacted there. Prob do that tomorrow

Because you are misrepresenting the data you got from your RT?


If I had a 1-shot daycop, would you volunteer to be the target?

Ici literally never commented on Kyo in Marson at any point, not sure about the reverse

unfortunately in Danganronpa Ici figured out the art of interacting with his partners at literally any point


can we not start this again?

assuming you’re talking about this game then no, I’d rather get information on someone where it might be actually useful

/vote Arete
