[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Yeah, because I townread him?

Your trying to redirect votes
That’s scum indicative.

But I haven’t vote her yet?

Alright, who do you want to vote today? Besides me.

Yeah but your suggesting all this.
What happened with lendun?

You, Hippo or Ici.
Because I think you 3 are a scum team.

Lendun should just be ITA.

Then why’d you vote them?

I never vote Lendun?

Huh. Guess I miss read.
But here’s something that bothers me.
You claim lendun is a better ITA target but target Cloned instead. Is Cloned a better target to you? Or at least at the time? If so why?

I only remembered me talking about him once or twice, saying that he doesn’t exist and people seemed to forget about it. After a while he appeared and start shooting Kyo. I am fine with voting him but ITA him is just better since he doesn’t interact much with people so we can’t really get much information from people voting him, as it would be sheep. Besides, some people say that it’s NAI for Lendun to be inactive which I disagree with but you do you.

Are you saying is Null due to inactivity so he should be shot or are you saying his inactivity is scum indicative?

He is*

Clonedcheese is a better target to me during that time, because Lendun haven’t post yet (if I see his post I would probably shoot him instead). At that time I suspect Cloned because I think he has TMI.

I am saying that Lendun meta doesn’t give him an excuse to not be shoot.

I wouldn’t mind doing a full claim if I was in a neighborhood with someone trusted, but I will back in a few hours.

I am not a ninja and I’m pretty sure my action would count as a visit.

so i was correct in my assumption?

Yes, I gave you that passive.

yeah that makes sense nobody else would actually target me n1 lol