[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

you’re experienced enough to know that if you’re actually a villager here, you’re very much needed to work your way out of the PoE

is your intent just to use your claim as a defense

because unless you’re an IC or some shit i don’t think that’d work

I don’t know I mislynched him as IC once

No, it isn’t. I just have absolutely no WiM for this.

so what do you want us to do with your slot

you do realize that this is literally your most consistent wolftell

I don’t even know. I’m waiting for jgoes to respond to my question about his read on An_gorta so I can analyse him and thus begin to actually want to win this game.

yes, i am aware of this, but i really can’t control when schoolwork reaches fever pitch and i get extremely stressed

jgoes isnt going to be lynched today

i can confirm his night ability being used on me and, well, that’s something

it’s not a locktown clear but it takes him out of the immediate PoE

Yes, I am aware, but if I can get a solid read on him I can begin to form my own actual opinions about the game.

why does your opinion on the game rely so heavily on your read on jgoes?

because if i get a single fucking good read, and I can smell something good there, my confidence in my ability to solve will go up and i can begin to solve.

okay so why jgoes specifically

it’d most likely be faster to read someone else because jgoes doesnt seem to be here right now to answer your questions

just dont read my 800 post iso lol

look it was just a specific example, okay?

I’m trying to find some actually good read SOMEWHERE to turn myself around with, okay? I’m trying to try.

Last I checked, you was not allowed to bring guns into a court.


okay see i get that

but you were naming jgoes specifically for multiple posts so katze was confused

also wow we are missing a lot of shots on kyo :eyes:

How are these quotes scummy lol

And I didnt react to u going apeshit cuz last time u were going apeshit at me and this time u weren’t.

So I cba to get involved.