[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I’m voting Ici right

/vote Ici

now I’m definitely voting Ici


you do realise that i’m allowed to not always enjoy the game as a villager, right

Gimme a good reason cuz atm ur entire argument is built on a fallacy so I cant defend myself.

especially considering stuff that’s been happening irl right now

Icibalus has high scum equity
Hippo has decent scum equity
Simon seemed to fake his surprise (someone pointed this out)
lendun is inactive
Mist has done nothing

Jgoes’ claim doesnt make much sense as a wolf role but it is an eevee game he could be a drug dealer

But the others have been pretty good tbh

look it is theoretically possible that I could be wrong about your alignment and if I’m correct about what I think I picked up on between the two of you he seems best-placed to gauge things like ‘are you enjoying the game’

Squid/Ici/Hippo/Simon are good lynch targets for now

It’s irrelevant.
I’ve been leaning Kyo was town anyway, regardless of how bad he was, for example.

I think it’s incorrect perspective to see your shot as good and helping right after seeing the flip.
Should have been more switch/jump in your feelings, some disappointment.
I would expect you being disappointed in yourself, for example, since you’ve been barely following the game and now shot a villager.

imo cloned is very very likely town for a few posts he made pushing me

yes, but I read Kyo as TWTBAW. I was already mentally prepared for him to flip v.

hiPPo nO pUsH hIPpO bAd

I’m fearing lendun saying he forgot his action was also kinda villagery tbh.

This isn’t helping your case

It should be

And you legit had no ideas who to shoot among 22 people?
Couldn’t even ask people you trusted?

Ngl this makes me feel like hippo’s post on wolf frustration was projection

Shoot other than Kyo I mean.

Alice said they read my past games but in all my past town games I’d done very little by d2.

what would a drug dealer do in this scenario

like is my passive cursed
