[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

yeah but it is

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But no, it isnt.

Yeah but it is


there’s a couple smaller things i noticed but it’s more “katze uses psychology to dissect things” and again, its 6am

Shit got me there

Bringing up the Kruger theory was pretty mean I must admit

By comparing the energy with how Ici and Hippo fight against their accusers, I would never lynch Hippo before Ici btw.

What’s the Krueger theory?

Take your time, we still have time left in this day


/vote icibalus

By eyeballing Ami’s vote is the most out of place considering their lack of engagement during the day and them being the 5th vote, which is the position to solidify the bandwagon of sorts.

i mean it’s mean but i don’t really care, my skin is thick and she’s harmless to me

yeah but that just means ill have to think when i wake up

my brain takes a long time to power on

@Hippolytus why did you vote derps?

Think that’s the only read Ami had today, other than that, it’s just a lot (really a lot) of mech talk.

He insulted me I think. I was voting simon before that.


this is just OMGUS but funnier

I move my vote to Ici and plan on having a list d3. If some of these guys are evil then you are doing a great job because I am actually starting to trust some people here. /vote Ici

I can’t claim fully for fear of my life, but I did soft if people pick up the hints.

Can you post a mini version of your readlist at least?

just claim self resolving

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