[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Sulit’s shot doesn’t have a result yet, so we need to wait on those before we do anything

Is it more than the claim that is kinda proven or is that ur the only reason. Like he isnt past null for me at the moment since other than the mechanics his messages have been pretty terrible

True actually lol

Albeit I could wonder why didn’t Ami use their 0% ITA for distancing, hmm.
(don’t think they’d lie about 0%)

True, I remembered the squid shots blatant defending before and after the flip. I couldnt even remember the Memesky flip to be fair

More than the claim. There’s just some weird af things he’s posted that I don’t think come from scum.

I feel Ami would be a better ITA shot then a Lynch. She barely had a memorable conversation and we need associations more than ever right now

Welp I guess we saw :slight_smile:

(i was just back-reading thread and couldn’t resist to say)

Can you show me some of these that fit this?

@Zone_Q11 what’s your reaction to Kyo flipping town and what do you want to do from here on out?

What we actually need now is any wolf flip whatsoever.


And that’s why I’m voting Derps

Jgoes never answered this


Do you actually believe this lynch would happen today?

yea one second

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Why do you dislike derps again?

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If people think hard enough or take me seriously for once, yeah

why is everyone’s ita rate a potato

Did Icibalus get anything in the event btw?