[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

BTW I’ll open, Alice and Astand are the same.

If you see my readlist that was they were the scummiest
most others were nulls or townleans

Is this a hardclaim, you potato.

What is your case?

No I’m talking about the 4 - 4 Scum Team

Stop ignoring that.

Because I’m assuming the game is multiball, so for the sake of balance we’ll see balanced scumteams.

I’m not talking about readlist, it was completely naked, and you had Alice as only scumlean.

You were townreading them before and calling them town who was solving.

Yes but along with another neutral.
I’m sorry, 2 Neutrals?

Neutrals don’t matter in the faction calculus.

I still have plenty of time to change my vote. There is a reason I need to vote but I won’t be disclosing that. Who are Arete and Dat voting for right now?


this is a hardclaim?

Dry, give me a serious answer, are you claiming that we are the same alignment or not.

I doubt that.

Ici, IIRC.

I don’t trust Alice’s claim at all

but also Ici has been super wolfy

and I kind of don’t think they’re W/W?

ITAs has ended.

I’m on Alice but I might switch back to Ici

:crazy_face: :bomb:

Do you have info that we’re the same alignment or not?