[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Because people have been hinting towards it this entire time. Not just you.

I mean, I didn’t have mech info on Ici, and look where that got us

It is big brained, but I am just spitballing here.

Who should females be ITA’ing? Also don’t forget Ici wagon/shots at Ici could come from the Waifu faction. If we consider conversion as a factor both factions could be rather small as well

We can out them, but it will be harder without a cop.

at this point my top choice would be Wazza but I’m holding onto my shot for now

Don’t cults only get a few conversions?

I’d prefer to not be ITA’d but what can you do, I just replaced in so really I don’t care.

let’s not worry about the specifics of how they convert imo. it’s a bastard setup but conversion in general usually means smaller starting scum factions

omg i remember that

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i wasnt there for its origin, but i was there at the end

has anyone claimed slime kill btw? or did scum nab it

1 irl is obv >1 year

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Yeah, but I am concerned with how far they can spread.

anyone saying otherwise is a liar

If we can narrow down how they convert then we can estimate who might be in each faction.

leaning towards thinking that Ici doesn’t spend like 10 posts arguing with an_gorta about autism in the thread if they’re scumbuddies


Wait, only the girls can ITA today?

Interesting you have a hood? Explain.

And if this already has been I so was not reading 9K posts while working.