[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

imagine being someone who rps and you join this game and you keep /hugging people without knowing you have infinite ITA’s.

Wazza tried to pounce on Mist to hug them, however they missed!

And you really gonna argue?

Not asking you to based on claims.

I am asking you to based on evidence.

Assume I am scum for a moment. What necessarily follows?


Can someone else shoot Mist then?

Did I do it right? Is this good enough?

that … you are scum who reflexively neighborizes people? I think I’m confused about the train of logic you’re using

you did not do it right, today we hug people instead



I have an RNG dayvig shot

tbh if we have more games like this somoene should host an FM game in the cookie thread just to increase it’s messages by around 10k

I’m doing this before Derps actually uses the right words to kill me
/hug Simon
“C’mon, Simon-niisan! There can only be one adorable face in this town!”

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I would have to be scum that would stop Italy from saving me from dying from a confirmed shot from mafia flip on me because…?



Squid that’s sus as fuck imo.

/Hug Squid

I like it.

You kept saying about how you want Derps shot the most but then you don’t shoot them?
