[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

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thought accepted

however since he is poisoned I’m vetoing shots there for today (like with Ami and sulit), if he lives then shoot him

flip incoming

well I tried to form my harem with Squid so you can thank me later, Arete.

You were misreading it. I was specific in my words for a reason, I said that the person visiting me would have to save me. There’s a few instances where both could be town.

Regardless of whether I misspoke or got misconstrued the fact of the matter is

If I am scum and Italy is not then I would have to stop Italy from visiting me making me suicidal scum. So me scum without Italy scum is ridiculous.

who else is poisoned, its Sulit and whos the last one

sulit Derps Ami

ami i think

I’d be down for a Derps+Simon team
Maybe with App being with them or culted

Anyone claim these poisons?

I promise I’m not stupid but I don’t follow the logic at all

if someone else was the one to stop Italy from visiting you then why would it matter that he was stopped from visiting you?

Then assume Italy scum and me scum that’s just …even more ridiculous

Ergo following the point to its logical conclusion I am confirmed not scum.

math nothing ur saying is making sense to me

his logic is that if he was scum he wouldn’t let his buddies stop me from saving his ass
which is actually rather sound

do people have thoughts on who I should use my dayvig on

15 percent chance to hit, no restriction on targeting as far as I know

id go Mist

Well I want Mist to die before I do so either me or Mist

Because whatever my alignment I know I was supposed to die.

So if scum whether or not I am a part of said scum I die,

It would be against my wincon as scum to die unless suicidal.

shoot me non binary parental figure
not like i can die or anything

theres no point ur poisoned