[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Forever unknown…

I am outing as little as possible about my neighbor for a reason. I can’t say what I want to yet, but imho both are town.

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what female characters are alive lol



Girls in order of dont shoot to shoot:

Simon claimed Town, what!

I know. It’s weird. But it will make sense eventually.


Wait are there flip alterers

he probably meant uninformed majority

Can you quote where he claimed Town

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I think that’s too bastard for Eevee since there already is a janitor based on the first post?

Someone claimed Town and I stg it was Simon.

They said something like: “I think I’m the only Lost Town” or something like that, give me a moment.

@eevee-sama why tf are boys red and girls blue

that’s not how this works lmao


We are currently at 16 players alive

Of the 12 players who died one has flipped Cosplay and none have flipped waifu

if the thing Apprentice said about Cosplay and Waifu is true, and you are opposed factions, you need to start killing each other at this point


I mean not scum. Rip. Omg this game.

Nah. App is probably Town or Cult.

Debating a hero Vig. Two cults makes no sense with Ici’s flip.

Leaning a Wazza hug over a Mist hug because Mist has at least shot an ITA in the direction of a player who later flipped W

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Ita* not vig

And town = scum

Sorry it’s been a day

i mean if it’s your decision
we could both pile on our dayvigs and with your ITA i think wazza is nearly guaranteed death