[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?


do you want me to walk you through why I shot him, it’s in my Iso but I get that my Iso is kind of long

Why didn’t you leash your shot like a second lynch which is SOP for an elected kill?


can you tell me what you think of these two specific posts, there’s something I notice about them that feels off but I want to be sure I’m not confbiasing myself

what does SOP stand for

never mind I Googled it

anyways the answer is that I basically did do that, like, you saw TL’s votecount yourself

I’d have ignored it if people wanted to do something I thought was stupid but

I don’t see anything off other than Wazza thinks you’re scum not going to shoot them?

How did you know the D1 kill was Flipless?

I feel like the second post is trying to get me to holster in a way that the first post isn’t? like the first post is ‘you can shoot me’ and the second post is ‘okay but shooting me isn’t actually that good and you could totally wait’

Because eevee said so, let me find the post

I wonder if they have a conversion limit.


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also I highly doubt that’s what Wazza thinks :thinking:

This is a far off idea, but could Apprentice be culted? I mean App talked about them d1 and hasn’t mentioned them as much the next few days. This is not an accusation, but a far off idea.

That’s not too far off. I just think App may be original town or cult rather than culted specifically.

Conversion sucks because even those that were safe can be converted.

Original town = scum imho ffs

@clonedcheese question that just occurred to me

You said something earlier about Derps being confirmed

You also said that you watched someone other than me

Given that I’m the only person Derps has been mentioned as interacting with mechanically last night I am confused about how this follows

If App was cult why say something about the waifu/cosplayer things d1?

Like my would shoot list is Arete/Dat/App/Blue squeezeable avatar that shot Squid.